Monday, July 20, 2009

Torie is an old man

Torie's 10 year high school reunion is upon us....this Saturday actually and it' s made me think, oh holy Jerry! (Jesus' brother) I'm almost 30! You know when you're in high school and you figure, oh when I'm 28 I'll have an awesome job, I'll be married, I'll own a house, I'll have travelled the world. Who puts those ideas into our heads? Who determined that those are the rules to follow once the crap experience of high school has ended?

Torie and I have a child and jobs we enjoy but we are a long way from owning a home or traveling the world in the way we'd like. I hate that society puts such emphasis on status and stuff. Ooooo let's go get stuff! Let's own lots of objects! We're better than you because we have a house full of crap! George Carlin says it best... Anyways, I'm looking forward to this party so that I can show off my daughter as she's way cuter than any of those ugly babies born to fugly parents.


  1. Way to go Girl!! Looks like you're a blog-pro already and you've just begun!!

  2. ha ha :)

    I like this posting. I can relate too.

    I'm almost in the 2nd half of my 20's and no house, no kids and no hubby. But I consider myself to be doing just great. The person who originally said that the meaning of life (or the must do's in life) is reproducing and owning a house (or two...or three) stuffed full of stuff was probably a sleazy salesman trying to sell us life insurance or something like that. Commercial culture has an agenda and it includes "buy more", "eat more", "want more".

    I'm rich bitches! he he. I'm rich in family, friends and love. All of which are on my life "must do" list.
